About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
My name is Melissa, but I was affectionately given the name Milk by a beloved friend, and it has kind of stuck with me. I am a laid back person, very predictable, but loyal and dedicated to the ones I love. My happiness lies in the simple things in life, and material things have no worth to me. I believe that God has given all of us a purpose, and each day I am walking more and more in what He has laid before me. My life experiences have filled me with wisdom and understanding, and these experiences have been beneficial to the ones that need my "ears" on a daily basis. The advice that I give is unbiased, and I always encourage others to do the right thing. I keep it real with folk and say what needs to be said and not just what one wants to hear. That is what a true friend would do right? I love people in general and believe that everyone has a story and that story should be heard. If people would take the time to hear other people, then they would become more understanding of them.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Women Supporting Women

Several months back I had an idea to host a fourm with women that discussed real issues and the things we struggle and deal with.  I had great ideas for this and just knew it would be successful.  Well I hosted 3 fourms and nobody showed up.  I got discouraged, but remained encouraged because I understand that the things that excite me, may not excite others.  So I cancelled the future bookings for the room I was using, and simply let the idea go.  I wrote it off as something that I tried, but either the timing wasn't right or it was just not my calling.  

A couple of weeks ago I saw an ad for a conference call that involved the same idea that I had.  I was hesitant to call because there was a part of me that felt like I didn't belong or wouldn't fit in with this particular crowd of women.  My general impression of the ad was that it was geared towards successful black women.  Well I am not black, nor am I successful in the sense of being a business owner, so I didn't think this was for me.  However, I did make the call, and God is amazing how He works.

My plan was to be quiet and just listen.  That did not happen.  I was the first person to speak up on the topic of relationships, and it wasn't about intimate relationships, but about friendships between women. I discussed my trust issues, and how I feel that God has placed me in the paths of many, but He hasn't placed anyone in the path of me.  Sure I have met some wonderful ppl over time, but I always end up hurt in some way or another.  This pain keeps me in a corner where I am protected but still able to reach out to those that need me.

I was able to tell my story to these women, and what I discovered was there was no race, there was no level of success, there were no checking accounts...there were just several women that had one thing in common. Pain.  That call was a blessing to me because there are many times that I feel that I really don't matter.  Sometimes I feel that I could leave the earth and go unnoticed.  But God stepped in.  There was a young lady on the line that I am familiar with, and she spoke up and let me know that I have made great contributions to her life although we have only spoken a few times.  I needed to hear that, and I thank God for using her at the right time.  We all laughed, shed some tears, encouraged each other, and bonded in that hour that we talked.  It was necessary not just for me, but for everyone that was involved with the call.

This experience taught me that you can lead by following.  I don't have to have my own fourm.  I don't have to have my name at the head of something.  I don't have to be up front and in the center...I can be just as powerful just being the unknown voice in the background.  I love all yall....

I always fade out
Because I want to hide
I often feel like nothing
But there is something inside

I often wonder why I'm here
Daily I search and seek
He put the answers there
It's in the ones I meet
                                 ~ Milk
                  Copyright 2010

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