About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
My name is Melissa, but I was affectionately given the name Milk by a beloved friend, and it has kind of stuck with me. I am a laid back person, very predictable, but loyal and dedicated to the ones I love. My happiness lies in the simple things in life, and material things have no worth to me. I believe that God has given all of us a purpose, and each day I am walking more and more in what He has laid before me. My life experiences have filled me with wisdom and understanding, and these experiences have been beneficial to the ones that need my "ears" on a daily basis. The advice that I give is unbiased, and I always encourage others to do the right thing. I keep it real with folk and say what needs to be said and not just what one wants to hear. That is what a true friend would do right? I love people in general and believe that everyone has a story and that story should be heard. If people would take the time to hear other people, then they would become more understanding of them.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nobody Needs to Validate Your Truth

I was reading a FB post written by a young lady the other day. She said that she revealed some personal things to some people and had some regrets about being so open. I am not sure if her concern was what they would think about her or if they would go and share her stories with others. I assured her that her truths are hers, and it doesn't matter what anyone had to say, because she didn't need anyone to validate them.    

I am pretty much transparent with my life.  We all have stories, we all have pain, we all have experiences.  I just have no problem sharing mine. I believe that some of my stories and experiences are not for me.  I was just used to produce a message that will glorify Him.  I could be wrong, and some of you can say that  statement is the most obsurd thing that you have ever heard.  But when you go thru the fire, and God knows I have been thru many, and you don't get burned, don't smell like smoke, and come out as clean as you went in...all that belongs to God.  I don't walk around quoting scripture because I don't read His word like I should and can't quote more than a few verses.  I don't attend church each Sunday.  I don't tithe the 10% that I should give.  But guess what, I don't act like I do either; therefore the comments, snickers, and pointed fingers can stay on over there, because I have no concern with the opinion of others.  You know why, because they don't know what my journey is all about.  God didn't make us the same. We were created with different personalities, characteristics, and gifts.   It is the simplest of common sense to understand that we are all different people.  He has His own way to talk to each of us because we are His creation, and He knows exactly how each of us will listen.  Parents of more than one child will understand this best. 

Have you ever been sitting in church and when the message was delivered you felt like the pastor must of had a private detective following you because he was all up in your kitchen with that message?  He didn't just sit at the table, he was washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, he fixed him a sandwich, and drank the last of the red kool-aid and put the empty jug back in the fridge! LOL.  God talked to you thru that message because He knows exactly how you will hear.  The rest of the church listened too, but they may not have heard it with the clarity and revelation that you received it with.  So when people talk about you or even innocently speculate on something, you have to move past that thing at 100mph.  People don't have to understand, nor do you have to explain, your decisions/circumstances/experiences because they are about YOU and YOUR journey.  At the same time, you should not concern yourself with the lives of others because you don't know what their journey is all about. 

Who cares if someone knows that I have had abortions.  It's my truth. Who cares if someone knows that I'm not divorced yet but I have moved on.  It's my truth.  Who cares if someone knows that I have 3 baby daddies.  It's my truth.  Who cares if someone knows that I have been in jail.  It's my truth.  Who cares if someone knows I have been raped and beaten.  It's my truth.  Wait, there's more...I lost a brand new home to foreclosure, my credit is shot to hell, I've made mistakes as a mother...It is all my truth and your opinion of it doesn't change it or make it go away.   

My truth doesn't take me away from His kingdom.  It doesn't take away my salvation.  It doesn't make me less worthy.  This applies to your truth as well.  Your Sunday dress may be prettier than mine. You may know more scripture than me. You may be on every board in the church, be the director of the choir, the deacon, the janitor, the treasurer, the head of children's church, the secretary, and the one who prays for the sick and shut in.  But, I promise you, when we He turns on the street light and calls us home, you still gonna be my neighbor because nobody is more saved than the next.  I love all yall...

I don't have any poetic verses to end this blog today; just one simple but profound statement:

Some of my truth...is yours too.


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